Sunday, November 30, 2008


I love Thanksgiving! I'm sorry I didn't get in on the online spirit of thankfulness and put up a big list but I was a little busy over the holiday. Wonderfully busy.

I did take time to be grateful. Even better, I got to hear friends and family members be grateful. We counted our blessings while we ate our pomegranate, sitting around the picked-over table and feeling satisfied. The time spent united in thankfulness was a wonderful blessing in and of itself.

Now that I'm back on the internet, making the rounds, the joy of Thanksgiving is hitting me all over again. All of your blogs are tender mercies to me today. Reading about the things you are grateful for reminds me all over again of God's love.

In church today, one of the speakers said something that encapsulates how I feel about Thanksgiving. He said, "Gratitude helps us feel the constant flow of blessings between the heavens and us." And that's so true. God loves us and He is always blessing us. But when we are grateful, we notice those blessings.

From personal experience, I know that recognizing His tender mercies makes them that much more powerful.

And at Thanksgiving, we're all doing it! We're all being grateful! We're creating our massive lists and recognizing God's hand in every aspect of our lives! No wonder the world seems a little brighter and more full of hope on Thanksgiving.

I've been thinking today about how glad I am that we kick off the holiday season with a day of gratitude. It's a day when no one receives anything but is grateful for the things they already have.

With this blog and in my daily prayers, I try to observe a spirit of gratitude every day. But oh, how I love Thanksgiving! There is power in that special day.


Mrs. Jaybird said...

You are the most thankful person I have ever known. I hope I can be more like you in this aspect some day!

Heather of the EO said...

Amen! :)